Obscurify – Analyse Your Music Obscurity Rating

Obscurify is a free web tool, which can measure and quantify the obscurity of your listening habits. This tool is free and was created by Alex Olivero and Nirmal Patel and works off of your Spotify account to analyze the popularity of your most-played artists and songs. It then gives you an “obscurity rating” that shows where your musical preferences are on the range from super mainstream to ultra-obscure.


However, Obscurify doesn’t only leave you with an obscurity score percentage. It goes deeper by analyzing your top genres, the decades your favorite songs are from, and even the moods and energy levels of the music you listen to most. The algorithms of the tool put all this information with that of millions of other users of Spotify to give you a surprising and personalized summary of your audio preferences. Insights of Obscurify will definitely arouse your curiosity regardless of whether you are a lover of the Top 40 or underground music.

What is Obscurify?

What Is Obscurify

Obscurify is an innovative free web app that analyzes your Spotify data to reveal insights into your musical identity. Developed in 2022, this app compares your top artists and tracks to other Spotify users to determine how mainstream or obscure your music taste is.

The app assigns you an “obscurity rating” – essentially a score of how unique your listening habits are. The higher your score, the more obscure or unconventional your Spotify activity is compared to the average. Beyond the obscurity percentage, this app also showcases your top genres, favorite decades, musical moods, and more.

So if you have ever thought about if your music preference is more hipster or basic, Obscurify will measure your audio aura in numbers. Read on to learn how it works!

What is Obscurify Music?

Obscurify Music utilizes advanced algorithms and your Spotify listening history to create unique music suggestions outside of mainstream artists. Its strong AI works on comparing your tastes to the aggregate data of millions of other Spotify users to discover such rare but most ideal match songs.

The goal of this app is simple – to help you broaden your musical horizons by finding the artists and songs that comply with your music taste. Where most other music apps base their recommendations on generalized song popularity metrics, Obscurify Music provides a personalized and genuine listening experience.

Key Features of Obscurify

Here are some of the main features that make this app a powerful music discovery and analysis tool:

An Image showing of my Obscurify obscurity rating of 94% with the label _Obscurity Rating
  • Obscurity Rating – See how your taste stacks up by getting a score from 0-100% based on the popularity of artists you stream most. The higher the rating, the more obscure your music taste.
A list of top music genres on Obscurify
  • Top Genres – Discover your personal top 10 genres and click any genre to explore related artists and playlists.
A pie chart showing a breakdown of music listening habits by decade
  • Musical Decades – Find out which decades most of the music you listen to is from and learn if your taste skews current or retro.
Obscurify mood analysis for metrics like happiness, danceability, and energy, each showing a level from low to high
  • Mood Analysis – Get insights into your listening habits by seeing Obscurify’s analysis on metrics like happiness, energy, danceability, and more.
A collage of album covers from top artists highlighted by Obscurify as matching the user's obscure taste
  • Obscure Artists – View the specific underground artists driving your obscurity rating and get tailored “Obscure Picks” playlists.
Two Obscurify obscurity rating scores
  • Taste Comparison – See how your obscurity rating and musical profile compare to other users in your country or worldwide.

How Obscurify Calculates Your Score

Obscurify takes advantage of data from Spotify’s API to power its musical analysis algorithms. By evaluating metrics like an artist’s monthly listeners, popularity ranking, and number of social followers, it assigns a weighted obscurity score to each musician.

Your overall Obscurify rating is then calculated by factoring in obscurity scores for your 50 top artists. So if emerging rappers and bedroom indie bands appear higher in your listening ranks instead of chart-toppers like Drake and Taylor Swift, your score will reflect more obscure musical tastes.

Scores are also personalized to your country, comparing your habits to local listening trends rather than a global benchmark. So you can see whether your obscurity rating is unusually high or low for your area.

How to Use Obscurify Music

Ready to unlock musical obscurity and start discovering your next favorite artists? Getting started is simple:

The Obscurify website homepage with a large _Login_ button

Step 1: Access the Obscurify website in your desktop or mobile browser.

The Spotify login screen with fields for entering username and password

Step 2: Click the login button and sign in using your existing Spotify account credentials.

The Obscurify results page showing an obscurity percentage, top artists, etc

Step 3: Wait for a second for Obscurify to process your Spotify data and display your obscurity rating, top genres, artists, personalized song recommendations, etc.

A close-up of the Obscurify share with your friends button

Step 4: Access the unique URL to share your Obscurify results or compare scores with friends.

And that’s all there is to it! In just a few minutes, you can connect with Obscurify Music and explore heaps of hidden tunes matched to your music taste.

Obscurify Music vs Spotify

While Spotify is the most popular music streaming platform, Obscurify Music offers unique benefits:

  • Hyper-personalized music suggestions based on advanced algorithms instead of just song similarity.
  • Introduction to rising artists and hidden musical gems outside mainstream music via obscurification.
  • Quantified taste profile with an obscurity score along with mood and genre analysis.
  • Social music exploration by sharing profiles and playlists with friends easily.

So if you feel stuck in an echo chamber of popular music, Obscurify Music provides the key to unlocking fresh and exciting musical discoveries tailored just for you.

Obscurify Spotify

Obscurify Spotify is a third-party web app that analyzes Spotify’s listening history to quantify how mainstream or obscure a user’s music taste is, along with other audio insights. Its main draw is allowing users to measure and share how unique their Spotify activity is.

Is Obscurify Safe To Use?

Obscurify Safe To Use

Yes, Obscurify is generally considered safe to use. When you connect your Spotify account with this app, it only needs to get access to your listening history, top artists and tracks, and so on, it does not ask for access to any private account details or personal information.

This web app follows modern web security standards to protect the user data. Many users have stated that they used it with no problems.

But, if you are worrying about sharing data with third-party services, you can simply unauthorize this app after getting your results, and revoking its access to your Spotify account is very easy. Only visit your Spotify account settings, locate “Apps”, and remove this app.

FAQs About Obscurify Music

Is there an Obscurify Music mobile app I can use?

Currently, it is only available as a web app that you access via obscurifymusic.com. There are no mobile apps for iOS or Android, but the site is mobile-optimized.

Does it work with other music streaming platforms like Apple Music?

This web app currently only works with Spotify and has no compatibility with Apple Music or other streaming platforms.

Can I share my Obscurify profile on social media?

Yes, it allows you to share your personalized obscurity rating and taste analysis results with friends and compare musical preferences.

Can I control what data this app accesses?

Yes! You can revoke Obscurify’s access to your Spotify account anytime by visiting your Spotify account settings.

Can this tool view my private Spotify listening?

No. it can only access the public listening data associated with your Spotify account. Private sessions are not factored in.

Does Obscurify Music share my Spotify data?

No, it does not share or store any of your Spotify data.

Final Words

To wrap things up, Obscurify is a distinctive tool that dives into our Spotify listens and recommends great new music based on our very tastes. It provides users with an “obscurity rating” score, which represents how much their music playlist differs from the top hits.

This app is ideal for those who are interested in their Spotify music patterns and who are looking for some new songs, which no one is listening in every radio station. The intent here is to expand your musical horizons and encourage you to play around with the music you are focused on to discover some hidden gems that you may resonate with.

Hence, for those music enthusiasts who want to leave the path of the mainstream and find music that is not in the spotlight, Obscurify can be the guide you need.

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